Saturday, June 20, 2020

College vs. High School Homework

One of the biggest academic differences between high school and college is the homework. In college, professors assign homework in a different way and they have different expectations. Therefore, your whole routine of doing homework will be very unlike your routine in high school. You will not have homework due every day In high school, most of us had the same schedule every day. So we usually did homework for each class every night. But in college, you’ll probably have different classes every day. You will likely have more than one night to do your homework for any given class. Â   You have a lot of free time In high school, students have a pretty full day. They’re in school from 8 to 3, doing extracurricular activities in the afternoon, and homework at night. In college, you have a lot of blocks of free time to spend however you chose. You’ll often face the choice between doing homework and doing something fun. You have to learn to have willpower and not get so easily distracted. Bigger, more important assignments than in high school Although college students don’t have work due every day, they have a lot more important essays and tests than in high school. It’s a lot more pressure, but if you study every night, you’ll be able to stay on top of it. Most homework isn’t graded College professors won’t usually grade the busy work they assign you. It’s mostly provided as a way to practice the material. So don’t stress too much about getting college homework exactly right, but definitely make sure you do it so you don’t fall behind.

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